Monday, November 9, 2009

Berlin Wall Day

I'm grateful that 20 years ago today, the Berlin wall came down. It was a big deal after decades, a city and a country that had been divided were reunited. The Berlin wall coming down was part of the end of the iron curtin. The movie Goodbye Lennin is a good one to watch to get a better understanding of what things were like in East Berlin right around the time that the wall came down. I remember watching a movie in German class about a family that made a hot air balloon to escape East Germany, it was not a great place, cars were practically made out of cardboard; "Checkpoint Charlie" where people could travel between the east and west, was a place of fear people didn't know if they'd actually make it through. It's so wonderful that German is one united country again, no divisions between the east and the west anymore. The cold war is over.


Melanie and Jake said...

Jake and his family were actually living in Germany when the wall came down and they all have a piece of it.

jm said...

wow, that's soo cool! My German teacher had a few tiny pieces and when I was in NYC there was a place where they had a couple sections of the wall.