I saw The King's Speech, last nigh and I really loved this movie, it was well made, well acted, great plot, and I don't feel that I missed out on anything by seeing the edited version. This movie has been rather infamous for it's "one scene" which caused it to be rated R, where, as part of his speech therapy, Colin Firth's character swears repeatedly, using the F-word several times over (at least so I've heard, in the edited version we only had one F-word). I understand why the scene was included, it is very much a part of the movie and it probably would not have been all that terrible to see it unedited. On the other hand, I do not feel as though I missed anything, I knew that the extra swear words were there, I knew why they were being said, and that it was not with the feeling that a swear word might normally be said; all that being said I'm just as happy to have missed some of the ugly words, even said as I mentioned above. It was a wonderful movie, very powerful, sometimes it was hard to watch and at one point it brought me close to tears. I think people should see it, whether you see it edited or not is up to you. I think that perhaps a bit to much fuss is being made over the swearing scene, on both sides of the debate. At any rate, see this movie.
Aside from the movie, I realize that I haven't been blogging much lately and that is because I've had a lot of other things going on and frankly I don't find blogging on the top of my to do list. For now I believe I'm done with blogging. I'm not going to get rid of my blogs but I'm just not going to worry about them, maybe at some later point I'll start blogging again. We shall see.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Bella dominica

This has been a really nice Sunday. I learned a lot. One of my callings in church is to teach in Relief Society (the women's group in my church) the second Sunday of every month. We're studying gospel principles right now and today's lesson was on service. I got a few major things from the lesson, the first was that service and love are sort of synonyms; that didn't really stand out to me in preparing the lesson but as we discussed service and it's various aspects, it became very clear to me. The second thing that really stood out to me was that it isn't me that does the teaching, it's the Spirit, the Holy Ghost; I feel sheepish after I've taught and people tell me that it was a great lesson, I've prepared yes, but what makes a lesson great is the comments and discussion that occur, the things that I don't bring to the table. I'm always so grateful when people are willing to comment and I love hearing comments that bring me back on track or take us in directions that had never occurred to me. I'm not a great teacher, but the Spirit is and I'm grateful for that.
Friday, April 8, 2011
I heard this program yesterday about the worth of degrees in the humanities, those talking felt there was quite a lot of worth in them and I agree. I'm a bit biased of course because I got my degree in art, and that's another area that's been under attack.
I feel that for a lot of people these days, if something doesn't add up and put money in one's pocket, it's not worth pursuing. These are certainly difficult financial times but I believe that only looking for a profit causes one to miss out on a great many things. A price cannot be put on everything, but such things may be lost if we cannot appreciate what we have before us.
I feel that for a lot of people these days, if something doesn't add up and put money in one's pocket, it's not worth pursuing. These are certainly difficult financial times but I believe that only looking for a profit causes one to miss out on a great many things. A price cannot be put on everything, but such things may be lost if we cannot appreciate what we have before us.
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