This has been a really nice Sunday. I learned a lot. One of my callings in church is to teach in Relief Society (the women's group in my church) the second Sunday of every month. We're studying gospel principles right now and today's lesson was on service. I got a few major things from the lesson, the first was that service and love are sort of synonyms; that didn't really stand out to me in preparing the lesson but as we discussed service and it's various aspects, it became very clear to me. The second thing that really stood out to me was that it isn't me that does the teaching, it's the Spirit, the Holy Ghost; I feel sheepish after I've taught and people tell me that it was a great lesson, I've prepared yes, but what makes a lesson great is the comments and discussion that occur, the things that I don't bring to the table. I'm always so grateful when people are willing to comment and I love hearing comments that bring me back on track or take us in directions that had never occurred to me. I'm not a great teacher, but the Spirit is and I'm grateful for that.
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