in case you wondered, I did pass my cleaning check...
The god of love,
That sits above,
And knows me, and knows me,
How pitiful I deserve,--
I mean in singing; but in loving, Leander the good
swimmer, Troilus the first employer of panders, and
a whole bookful of these quondam carpet-mangers,
whose names yet run smoothly in the even road of a
blank verse, why, they were never so truly turned
over and over as my poor self in love. Marry, I
cannot show it in rhyme; I have tried: I can find
out no rhyme to 'lady' but 'baby,' an innocent
rhyme; for 'scorn,' 'horn,' a hard rhyme; for,
'school,' 'fool,' a babbling rhyme; very ominous
endings: no, I was not born under a rhyming planet,
nor I cannot woo in festival terms.
Benedick Act 5 Scene 2 Much Ado About Nothing
For a change from the blah of every day, I desired some Shakespeare. I love Much Ado, it's probably my favorite of Shakespeare's works and how well I can identify with what Benedick says, it is so hard to write of love without being utterly cliche, to rhyme without sounding like a dribbling idiot... at least I find it so. I'm told that English is one of the hardest languages to rhyme in. I believe it, as mentioned, I'm studying Italian and it's amazing how much easier it would be to rhyme in Italian; most of the words end in o, a, i, or e opening up the options of words one might rhyme.
To write like the bard, that would be wonderful, alas I dislike taking the time to count out my syllables, I dislike the work of finding rhymes. I will not take the effort to be as Shakespeare and so I must be glad that his works exist for me to read.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
count down
I don't know about other schools, but where my live, all the non married residencies aka dorms and apartments, have cleaning checks at least once a month. As I near graduation and moving away and as yet another cleaning check looms over my head tomorrow, I find myself eagerly awaiting the day I move out and no longer have to deal with said checks. After tomorrow I will only have two more... huzzah...or wait maybe it's three, one in the middle of April and one when I move out...bah. oh well, the sooner they're over, the better.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
February 14
I've been thinking lately about Valentimes day and how I feel about it. Going back to the origins of the holiday, St. Valentine was flayed, okay so according to wikipedia there were several St. Valentine's who were martyred, at any rate, there was a St. Valentine who was thrown in jail and later executed for marrying young men who were supposed to remain single. I suppose this is where the western romantic take on the day springs from.
More recently there was the Valentine's day massacre. On Valentine's day 1929, Al Capone rubbed out about 7 people, this story factors into the plot of the movie Some Like It Hot, it's not Capone in the movie, but the essentials are there. I watched this movie last night with my brother to commemorate the massacre, it's a very funny movie.
One also hears of "single's awareness day" or "anti valentines day," mostly instigated by people feeling fairly lonely, sad and/or bitter. These days, well personally I was over the whole idea after high school. It just makes people miserable. I don't really love the idea of the traditional valentine's day either, it's gotten to be a holiday where after elementary school, most people love it or hate it with little in the middle. My freshmen year one of my next door neighbors introduced me, and the rest of the floor, to the idea of "Love week" a week long celebration of love and all the trappings that go along with valentines; however love week isn't really a celebration of couples, it's more a celebration of love, friends, romance, whatever... I've sort of adopted that idea, that we should be celebrating love in all it's many facets, because in the very famous words of John Lennon: "all you need is love" and it's absolutely true, it doesn't have to be a significant other's love, but we all need to be loved, and I think most people are loved, I should very much hope so any way.
More recently there was the Valentine's day massacre. On Valentine's day 1929, Al Capone rubbed out about 7 people, this story factors into the plot of the movie Some Like It Hot, it's not Capone in the movie, but the essentials are there. I watched this movie last night with my brother to commemorate the massacre, it's a very funny movie.
One also hears of "single's awareness day" or "anti valentines day," mostly instigated by people feeling fairly lonely, sad and/or bitter. These days, well personally I was over the whole idea after high school. It just makes people miserable. I don't really love the idea of the traditional valentine's day either, it's gotten to be a holiday where after elementary school, most people love it or hate it with little in the middle. My freshmen year one of my next door neighbors introduced me, and the rest of the floor, to the idea of "Love week" a week long celebration of love and all the trappings that go along with valentines; however love week isn't really a celebration of couples, it's more a celebration of love, friends, romance, whatever... I've sort of adopted that idea, that we should be celebrating love in all it's many facets, because in the very famous words of John Lennon: "all you need is love" and it's absolutely true, it doesn't have to be a significant other's love, but we all need to be loved, and I think most people are loved, I should very much hope so any way.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The Little Prince

"The Little Prince," I guess technically it's a children's book, I just read it a few months ago for the first time though and I loved it. I am now legally an adult but I still feel like a kid, I still want to be a kid. Come to think of that that's probably why I like this book so much; I want to say that the author, Antonie De Saint-Exupe, is the narrator, a person who doesn't understand grown ups.
If you haven't read "The Little Prince" I think you really should; it's not your average book, it's a bit strange and also very deep and insightful. The rough plot is that there is a man who's crashed his plane in the desert and while he tries to fix his plane he meets the little prince. The little prince is not from Earth, he's visiting from another planet and he tells the pilot about what's happened to him since leaving his home. As an art major I found these quotes especially poignant:
"I is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
"But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart..."
It's so true, our eyes are so easily fooled, we know this, just look at an optical illusion. Children are often pushed aside as merely being children, youth who have not had the education the elder people have had, but so often it's the children who have deep and wonderful thoughts that stop us in our tracks, until they learn to be like those who are older and 'educated.'
There are many more gems in this book but I'm not going to post them, you need to go get this book and read it for yourself.
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