Monday, February 16, 2009

count down

I don't know about other schools, but where my live, all the non married residencies aka dorms and apartments, have cleaning checks at least once a month. As I near graduation and moving away and as yet another cleaning check looms over my head tomorrow, I find myself eagerly awaiting the day I move out and no longer have to deal with said checks. After tomorrow I will only have two more... huzzah...or wait maybe it's three, one in the middle of April and one when I move out...bah. oh well, the sooner they're over, the better.

1 comment:

Melanie and Jake said...

So I had no idea you had a blog until today!! Good to know. Have fun with clean checks- in a way I kind of miss them- it would be a great movtivation to clean my house. It wouldn't last long though, Kaylee would make sure of that.