Sunday, March 8, 2009

My show is up, the artist's reception is over and went pretty well. My stress has gone down immensely. Now it's time to look foreword and start all over again. Now it's time to specify exactly what I'll be doing until and after I graduate. I've decided against going through the whole show of graduation. I didn't enjoy it the last time and so why spend money to do it again when I can just get my diploma mailed to me? Anyway that's my philosophy on it.
In class on Thursday we had a fascinating discussion about Albrecht Durer's piece "Melencholia I". Durer is absolutely amazing! While da Vinci usually holds the top spot in my favorite artists, whenever I study Durer, he comes very close to taking the top spot. You simply can't imagine all the things that go into a work by Durer, all the symbolism and geometry and pure planning. Durer didn't do things randomly or by accident or to "express himself" If you are not familiar with Durer, his work, or Melencholia I, I highly recommend that you change that. This might be a good place to start. You'd be amazed at all the cool stuff you could learn from Durer and the symbolism in his works. I don't know why people praise abstract expressionism when there is so much better out there, when there is something real out there. Find the real. Seek after truth.

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