The marathon is over. I put up my final show tomorrow. All my pieces are finished and framed. I only need to take my pieces over to where they'll be displayed so I don't have to drag them and everything else I'll need tomorrow. A huge load has been lifted.
I scheduled this show way back in September, I figured I'd be done with everything by December...ha ha ha. I have been a procrastinator for far to long for that. I did work on art, but I also was doing a full schedule of classes, 20 hours of work a week and homework. Art sadly gets pushed to the back burner all too easily. I did get one piece mostly done last semester, and to be fair I made about three versions of a piece to try and get it to work right...which latter became four and five versions...anyway, bottom line I'd thought out most of my pieces, but I hadn't actually put brush to paper on them.
This semester I'm only taking three classes and that's helped a lot. Another thing that helped was finally getting to use some studio space, that truly boosted my productivity. Hours that were usually wasted on campus in between classes were suddenly very convenient times to go to the studio. Anyway while my working time was up immensely, it's still been quite a mad dash to get things finished. I've been doing a lot of pieces water color which has limited how quickly I can work, I can't put another layer of paint down while the paper's still wet from the last layer... this is why it's a very good idea to work on multiple pieces at once, so you have something to work on while you're waiting for things to dry.
Anyway, around midnight last night I finished my last piece. Prayer is a wonderful thing, as are blessings. Tiny miracles happen all the time once you start realizing them. I've been very blessed.
For those out of state, I'll probably post pictures of my show here eventually. Stay tuned.
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