Monday, June 14, 2010


I like to watch cooking shows, even if there's nothing on the show that I would think of eating, I love to watch a good cooking show. A prime example of this is Tommy Tang, I love his cooking show, it's very funny and entertaining, I'm not sure I've seen anything yet that I'd want to eat on his show (Thai cooking seems to be a lot spicier than my tastes), but I enjoy it.
I love watching Cooking with Julia and Jacques, Julia Child was a funny lady and she and Jacques Pepin (sp?) were very funny together. When we were watching it on Saturday Jacques was using some sort of English cheese that was reddish orange and Julia was calling it "weirdy cheese".
I don't really know why I enjoy cooking shows so much but I do. I'm excited to try a recipe tonight that I saw on another favorite cooking show Everyday Food.

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