Tuesday, November 18, 2008

music video


We Didn't Start the Fire by Billy Joel

Audience: America, specifically the baby boomers generation and their children.

WATCO: the the actions of Americans on their own happiness and the world around them

Enthymeme: The actions of Americans are having a negative effect on their own happiness and the world around them because with each new fad, or have to have item they become more withdrawn, they become more arrogant and take their arrogance to the world.

E/P/L: Logos: There is a definite appeal to logos in this video, the families portrayed are familiar to the audience, similar to those they might have known or seen on a sit com, I Love Lucy, for instance; but in this portrayal the rose colored glasses of a sit com have been taken off. It combines the two the fantasy and reality that people know making them face what may have really been there. Ethos: The familiarity of the family scenes portrayed as discussed above lends credibility to the argument. Pathos: There is also an appeal to pathos in that this is the lifetime of the audience, these are all things they lived through or were a part of, it makes it personal to them.

STAR Typical: The events mentioned in the song are nothing new to these people, they're a part of history and a part that they would have lived through. Sufficient: In just the song it's less clear what Joel is after but the portrayed families, those who might have been on TV or lived next door, cement the message by expanding and adding a visual.

Goal/Effective?: I believe the goal is to maybe take off the rose colored glasses that are often in place when people look back, to show events that have taken place in the recent past in connection with how they impacted the people of America and to be a warning to the future, to show that they will be responsible for more than just the happy memories. I thing it's very effective.

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