Saturday, November 8, 2008


you will have the paper Monday so you can compare it then

WATCO: lacking a single definition of art on the art world and the work that it produces?

Audience: Art students, specifically those at Brigham Young University.

Enthymeme: Whenever artists/art students are unable to have a concise definition of their study/work it is detrimental to society because no one can be in agreement and anything goes

Whatever is not clearly defined results in chaos

E/L/P:Logos: The appeals made are mostly aimed at logos, by showing similar case examples, and bringing to focus how the rest of the world views the art world and how they have viewed it in the past. Ethos: I am an art student, so that lends some credibility, and the sources I site are big names in

STAR: Relevant: The sources brought up and the arguments made are relevant both from the art perspective and from the student perspective at BYU.

Goal/Effective: The goal is to show that there is a single definition to art and that people would get a lot further by learning it and matching their work to it. I think the paper is fairly effective at this.

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