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Okra, I knew that okra was a southern food, a "soul food" even, I knew it was a vegetable and that was it. I had thought that okra was a type of green leafy some this may seem laughable but I'm not from the south and I'd never seen of okra, only heard of it.
This weekend my cousin came to visit us and he had seen a cooking show about it and he wanted to make fried okra (he's a budding foodie). Around here I don't think okra is something you can just find in any grocery store, I don't imagine there's enough demand for it. Anyway, my cousin's from a smaller town and we live in the city and so he got his okra and this morning they made fried okra.
I was a bit surprised to learn that okra was not actually a green leafy vegetable, it's green but it looks more like a jalapeno. I tried fried okra and wasn't really a fan but I learned something new.
I recently watched Julie and Julia for the first time and I really enjoyed it. It's a very sweet and funny movie. I've been thinking about parts of the movie, in the movie Julia Childs signed herself up for the professional levle cooking classes because she was bored with basic classes. In the first class everyone was cutting onions (you know like chefs do where you hope and pray they don't take off the tips of their fingers) and Julia had to be shown the correct way to do it because she was going so slowly. Instead of crying and giving up like many might do, in the next scene we see Julia with a huge pile of chopped onions; I was very impressed with her determination in going home and practicing until she was just as good as everyone else, going on to lead her class. So I encourage you as well as myself to be like Julia!
It's been a while and I've had all sorts of things that I've been thinking about that I meant to write but obviously that never happened, either it was too much trouble to get to the computer when I was having these thoughts or when I got to the computer and started writing them I didn't know how to say it right or something along those lines. Sorry.
One thing I've been thinking a lot about lately is Geisha and that may seem like an odd thing to think about but I've been reading Memoirs of a Geisha and I just watched the movie. It's interesting to think about a place and a lifestyle to completely removed from my own.
Google is pacman today and you can play it, you should really check it out!
I have some books that I've decided I'd like to read but I may not be able to get to them for a while so here is a reminder list for me.
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
The Maltese Falcon
The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball
Jesus the Christ by James Talmage
Memoirs of Geisha
Briar Rose
One danger of putting things on hold at the library is that they can all come at once, at least 10 of these short books that I put on hold just came in and so I'll have to hurry my way through them to have time to read everything else.
P.S. did you know that there's something called The Big Read, it's a really cool program and you might even be able to get free books. See if it's happening anywhere near you.
P.P.S If anyone has any recommendations I'd love to hear them.
"He is a poor disciple who does not excell his master." Leonardo da Vinci
I think this is very true, and I think that for the most part people are afraid to do so. I think it's also a very good goal to strive for.
P.S. da Vinci wasn't just talk, he really did surpass his master, Andrea del Verocchio, Verocchio was a painter and sculptor but after da Vinci began to surpass him in painting Verocchio stopped painting and stuck to sculpture.
I was defeated by my own cowardace. Boo.
I am a big fan of Hugh Nibley and his work. I enjoy the fascinating information available in his books, and how enjoyable they are to read. Back in March if he'd still been living, Hugh Nibley would have been 100 years old and these two radio programs were some of many tributes to him. Episode One. Episode 2. Enjoy.
I'm listening to this program about Hitchcock on the radio and it's making me think about Hitchcock and his movies. I love so many of his movies, they're soo good. Most of Hitchcock movies are classic and many of them are still popular and well known today, some of them have been remaid into new movies, for example: Disturbia was a remake of Rear Window, which is all that I can think of at the moment.
Hitchcock movies are wonderful because they're so well done, they are absolutely thrilling and suspenseful but they're not like the traditional horror movie, they're not gory or weird, that's why they do endure.
Once a month I take a trip to my local museum on the day that it's free. It's been really nice today both to go to the museum and to see the work my former classmates are doing via their blogs or websites. I've been getting bogged down in the world or modern and postmodern art; it was really nice to have some change. I took a leisurly stroll through the museum and saw my favorites and some things that I hadn't noticed before. It's not the Met, but it was very refreshing to go to the museum tonight.
I found this story in my notes from one of my classes, one of those things the professor told us to read that I never did.
I got it from the library and I read it in one go today. I really enjoyed it and felt inspired to do more for the earth and to be a better steward. I really recommend it and it's very short, you'll be done reading it before you even realize it.