Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Disclaimer: Thoughts on "Chick Lit"

A friend posted this on facebook and got me thinking about "Chick Lit" I will be honest and say that I mroe skimmed the article and had a hard following it other than that people didn't like the term and were calling for more equality and recignition between the sexes. I'm not here to talk about the article per say but about the thoughts that this article and it's title brought up.
For purposes of this discussion...or perhaps rant, I will define the term "chick lit" as books aimed at females, specifically those who are single and living vicariously through various forms of fiction, books that have rather implausible plots centering on romance and sex, etc. I could probably further this definition, but I think I'd better quit while I'm ahead.
I have read a lot of chick lit in my time, and I enjoyed them, they're generally easy to read and enjoyable. I have noticed some unpleasant side effects from reading chick lit: depression at the worlds of differences between my life and the plots of the books, irritability, etc. During college, due both to lack of time and accessibility of these books, my reading of these books became more infrequent and after reading Austenland at the urging of my roommate, I decided that I was going to stop reading chick lit, and I believe that by in large I've held to that; there are books that I still read that might be considered chick lit, however I've stayed away from the ones that top the best seller charts and fit my previously listed definition.
I've strayed from the point that I wanted to make. The above mentioned article has made me think; apparently there are those who are angered by the term chick lit, possibly insulted by it. I don't know their whole story, as I mentioned, I only skimmed the article but I have no qualms whatsoever about categorizing certian books as chick lit, when a book can be read in a few hours, has the plot and vocabulary of a sitcom and leaves the reader disgruntled with their life or perhaps lack of life then I see no reason why it should not be called chick lit. That's really all I meant to say, I'm sorry it took me this long to say it. Those are my thoughts.

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