I am doubtful that this blog gets read, but on the odd chance that there is someone out there reading this, this is what I believe.
I believe that there is a God, whether you call him that or Allah or some other name; I believe that there is a God and that he loves us. I believe that God made the world, all it's inhabitants and so much more, I do not believe that all this came about by chance, it is all to much to have been left to chance. I believe that my actions have an impact on others, whether I realize it at the time or not. I believe that there is more after this life and that there was more before this life. I believe that if I am faithful and honor my covenants with God, that I can be together with my family forever. I believe that there is a prophet on this earth who receives revelation from God. I believe that a God who spoke to prophets in the olden days would not merely abandon his children now. These are things I believe, they are not all that I believe but they are some of the fundamental items. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or Mormons as we are sometimes known. You don't have to believe these things, but you might be surprised how much better they could make your life. If you are interested in learning more, click here
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