Tuesday, June 23, 2009


My mouth is in love with this. A while back I saw it for what must not have seemed like a bad price and I bought it and put it in my stock. I thought that I was getting this, which is also sooo good, anyway I finally tried it tonight and it was so good, a perfect blend of flavors and textures. If you love chocolate and have not yet tried Lindt, you will be in for a treat. After Lindt you will wonder what you ever saw in makers like Hershey's. I never used to like dark chocolate, but trying better dark chocolate I was amazed at the flavors that dark chocolate could poses. This chocolate tastes fruity, naturally, it sounds crazy but I've tried it and it's true.
I'm thinking I'd better not delve further into this post, that I should wrap it up now because it's making me hungry for some more chocolate.

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