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Little Black Dress
I have loved Breakfast At Tiffany's since the first time that I saw it years ago. I love many things about the movie, but some of the things I love are the clothes that Audrey Hepburn word in the movie. In particular the dress that she is wearing in the picture below...
That's right, the dress that you can hardly see in this picture, you'll just have to look online and find it for yourself, it's not the long, evening one; the other one. Anyway I have greatly admired this dress and how beautiful she looked in it. A while back I decided to try and get myself a version of this dress, a little black dress. It couldn't be the same because 1) I am no where near the same shape as Audrey Hepburn and 2) I don't wear sleeveless dresses. I looked around for a while without much success and the project got slightly forgotten on the back burner. In the last few months the project was dusted off, I figured out what I wanted the dress to look like, now I had to find it. As what I had in mind was not actually what is hip and now, and after looking through a few stores and being proved correct, I decided that I'd have better luck finding a pattern and sewing the dress myself. I found the pattern and eventually got it and the fabric needed and set to work. I came to remember that it had been a long time since I'd done any sewing and frankly I was a bit out of my element, I read instructions and couldn't figure out for the life of me what they wanted me to do. Thankfully my mom's a better sew-er than I am and she could translate patternese into something I could understand. It took me a few weeks, maybe even a month, I don't remember when I started, but now I have my dream 'little black dress' which you can see below.
Cute dress! I'm impressed you sewed that! Maybe I should get the pattern...but let's be honest, I've never sewn anything in my life!
Thank you, if you haven't sewn before this dress wouldn't be the place to start, but you're welcome to the pattern if you'd like it.
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