Friday, June 12, 2009

Field Trip

Today I went two places, first to the open house at the Church History Library, which is today and tomorrow from 9 am - 8 pm. This probably says more, but I didn't actually read it. It was pretty cool to see all of the things they have in this place. I haven't ever been terribly interested in Family History but I have been interested in history...or sometimes historical fiction; for a while I thought about minoring in history but it didn't pan out. Anyway I'm excited about this library because it will have things that the city library system (which is very good) doesn't have. In my last year at BYU I started discovering just how much cool stuff could be found in it's enormous library, I found things that interest me, but my time as a student is done and I can no longer check things out or even just walk over there, it's a trip left for something really important. Hopefully now that this new library's open, I can use it and find more of this really cool stuff.
While we were there, we also went next door to the conference center to see the art show that everyone's been telling me about. It was a fairly sizable show and we saw some really cool things. It was interesting to me that some of the things that really interested me, my mom didn't like because they looked catholic. I don't quite know what she meant by this but whatever.Anyway now I ought to go about my business, I've got a dress to sew, a possible trip to the art store to take, a talk that still hasn't really been written and so on and so forth.

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