Friday, March 5, 2010

My own international cinema

I'm excited, I have two of my favorite foriegn films from the library: Life is Beautiful/Vita e Bella and Dear Frankie. Life is Beautiful is an Italian movie and Dear Frankie is from the United Kingdom. I love both these movies, however I wasn't introduced to either one by International Cinema. Besides my excitment over these two movies I'm excited because I realized that there's a section at the library where they have foriegn films set aside. This was sort of a 'duh' revelation because the movies are in the same spot they have been for at least a year and I have not discovered this until now, never the less I hope to start up my own version of International Cinema. I am a little daunted in the fact that a good deal of Italian movies are rated R, as well as movies from other contries. If you have any recomendations I'd love to hear them!

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