Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I'm grateful for how peacful and serene it is when snow is falling at night. I'm grateful that the storm didn't hit us as hard as expected, it might have been cool to have a blizzard but I'd rather not be snowed it and have power and heat. I'm grateful that soon I will be free (by my rules) to listen to Christmas music. I'm grateful for Christmas books, mine are sitting out ready to be read. I'm grateful for washing machines and dryers. I'm grateful for pie, I probably said that already but pie is one of my favorite parts of Thanksgiving, we generally have 6-9 types of pie at our Thanksgiving dinners and we're in charge of the pies. I'm grateful for real mashed potatoes (some of my cousins have potato pearls for Thanksgiving (to be fair, that's their dad's line of work) and I just can't support that.) I'm grateful I didn't wake up to my brother practicing the drums today. I'm grateful for public libraries and libraries in general. I'm grateful that I'm not a rock star, it's ironic that the people in the lifestyles that people generally envy quite often don't have lives that enviable. I watched LennoNYC last night, an American Masters about John Lennon's time living in America.

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