Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mortality and Gratitude

I was reminded of my own mortality this morning when I found out that one of my past FHE brothers (FHE stands for Family Home Evening, every Monday night in LDS families we have an evening together as a family, in college or singles wards we're not with our actual families so we gather together in FHE groups.) died yesterday in a plane crash. It's sort of a shock, to think about someone my age and that I knew being dead so suddenly. Life is precious and we don't really know when it will end. He was a really nice guy and my condolences are with his family and his wife. It's sad to think about but it makes me so grateful for the plan of salvation and the knowledge that we can see friends and loved ones again someday. I'm grateful that through temple covenants, families can be together forever, that mariages don't have to be "'til death do you part" I am grateful for the gospel and the numerous blessings that it brings into my life. I'm grateful that death isn't just the end.

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