Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sorry there wasn't a post yesterday, it was a crazy day.

I'm grateful that I still got to go and play volleyball, even though my alarm didn't go off and I slept in. I'm grateful for the nice lady who let our team play even though we only had one guy (co-ed rules, but I never saw anything saying we had to have three boys, the just assumed we'd have them) and that said lady became our team's personal cheerleader, she was wonderful. I'm grateful for the people who showed up so we'd have enough people to play, the one guy on the team who's girlfriend dragged him in and the lovely lady who hadn't intended on coming but came because we needed her. I'm grateful that getting hit in the head with a volleyball doesn't hurt that bad and I'm grateful that my glasses and my eye are both okay from the impact. I'm grateful that our couches are in the couch again (they were in the garage for the remodel). I'm grateful that when driving last night I had a companion and navigator. I'm grateful for a fun evening of friends. I'm grateful that despite the snow we were able to get home safely. I'm grateful for how beautiful it looks when it's snowing at night. I'm grateful for a warm, comfortable nights sleep. I'm grateful for the joy I feel in waking up in the morning to snow (it's so beautiful and there's so much more this morning). I'm grateful that it's Sunday and that I'll get to go to church in a few hours. I'm grateful for the ward Thanksgiving dinner that we'll be having after church today and for the wonderful Bishopric and their wives who'll be preparing it.

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