Monday, July 27, 2009


That's the title of the book I just finished reading...agian. I've read a few of Celia Rees' books now and I really like her writing, it's very captivating and thrilling. Pirates, somewhere in that word there is such a thrill and it sweeps the masses with a strange sort of envy, just look at the sucess of Pirates of the Caribbean.. Somewhere deep insided tons of us would like to be a pirate to sail the seas, pilliage and plunder. In the last century I think being a cowboy was the secret fantasy, now it's pirates. This book is full of vicarious piraty adventure, evil foes and damsels that can bally well fight for themselves, that's what I really enjoy about this book, I love an emancipated woman, freed from the restraints of society etc. I don't really care for damsles in distress, helpless feeble minds I've resented such stereotypes all my life. Anyway if ye be seeking pirate thrills out on the open sea, then this be the yarn for ye.

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