Sunday, July 5, 2009


I've been a bit too slovenly of late and to combat that I'm kicking off a new week with some new...and old goals.
The most interesting of these goals (I feel) is to start making my own dictionary. To give background information on this goal, I've been thinking a lot about raising children, when I have them, and my desire to homeschool them. Today in a moment of being unable to focus, I was thinking about how a cool way for kids to be able to learn and have self motivated learning would be for them to make dictionaries, to define words and add to those definitions as they come to understand them better. As I was thinking this I also thought that I should start working on myself so that when the time comes, I can implement these grandiose ideas I have for education. I had a teacher who, when we discussed something, would tell the class to research certian words and find out just what they really meant. I confess that I generally didn't do this, at least not to the degree that I should. To make up for past sins and to further educate myself I'm going to start a dictionary, I'm going to get a book, one that should be lasting I'm thinking maybe a moleskine.With the book I'm going to find out what words really mean and have meant, I'll start with ones that I didn't look up for the class. I want to find my definitions from a variety of places like the Oxford English Dictionary or Bible Dictionary and lots of others.
The next goal is more simple and perhaps more practical, but no less daunting. When I was at school I did a lot of walking to get around and I called that my excircise, however I no longer do that and so I'm going to make an attempt to get more excircise. This is not going to be an Earth shattering regime by any means, I'm thinking more along the lines of walking to and around the park or merely riding the excircise bike when I'm watching tv, things like that. I might even try and drag my brothers into it.
The last goal for the moment is to give CPR to my language skills. I've taken German, American Sign Language and Italian; I'm quickly losing whatever I knew of these languages so this is yet another attempt to renew what I knew. I am going to try and have a three day rotation where I will read the Book of Mormon in each of the languages along side the English version (with the exception of just watching the ASL version because it's to hard to go back and forth between video and book). Anyway I hope to actually stick to this one without having a grade riding on it.

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