Friday, August 14, 2009

"A Hot Fairy Tale"

Back at the beginning of summer I thought it might be nice to start a book group, back in mid July I recruited my brothers to join said book group and offered them some reading options, while they protested against this very much they ended up opting for The Princess Bride by William Goldman. We all did it for the first week, largely because they were stuck in the car and didn't have much choice. The next week the first brother dropped out rather incensed that I would suggest he waste his precious time reading when he could be bored or gaming. My other brother and I kept it up for a week or two longer but frankly you need more than two people to have a good book group and I was tired of nagging him to read. So just now I finished it. I quite like The Princess Bride, it is wonderfully funny and I've loved it since I first read it in a book group in 7th grade. I know that most people are more familiar with the movie than the book but I quite prefer the book. While the movie does follow the book quite well there is one exception: In the movie the story is told to the sick boy by his grandfather, in the book the author is just "abridiging" S. Morgernster's classic. When he was a boy the author's father read him the book while he was sick, he decided that when he had a kid he'd give his kid the book. When the time came he gave his kid the book only to find out that there was a lot more to the book than his father had read him, pages and pages of boring details so he decided to make an abridged version. From time to time the storyline is interrupted by the author with comments on what he might have removed etc. So what I'm trying to say is that if you like the movie, you really ought to try the book because it's a lot funnier.

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