In the last few years I have become fascinated by geometry, not the class you took in high school (I found that one painful) but what is also known as sacred geometry, that deals with the shapes not the numbers. I learned that using geometry you can say more through your designs than you might arbitrarily, there is a sort of a language of geometry and design that we all know on some level. There are archetypes in geometry through certian shapes that influence people and how they view things. In looking at one of the paintings of one of the great old masters, say Rembrandt, what makes the work so great? It's quite often the design behind the painting, the use of archetypal shapes underneath. I wanted to have such greatness in my own works, so I have been learning about these archetypes, about sacred geometry and it is so fascinating! Through this study I was also lead to geometric designs, patterns and Islamic designs and patterns. It's a bit mind boggling once you start, just how far reaching it's influence is and how much of a difference you can see. Last hear I heard a speech given by Lynn Truss, the author of Eats, Shoots and Leaves. Ms. Truss talked about grammar and correct punctuation and how one day she was filming all the grammatical errors she could see with a crew and that by the end of the day the crew were noticing the errors along with her where they hadn't before. This is perhaps a stretch of an example and is also making me self conscious about my own iffy grammar, however I experienced the same sort of phenomenon as the crew, once you see these things, you wonder how you ever missed them before.
Anyway, that's a lot of what I've been working on. Perhaps now I should actually read Eats, Shoots and Leaves, and work on improving my grammar.
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