Friday, May 8, 2009


I have long been a lover of movies, now that I have time on my hands and access to a great library (not that I didn't before, just not movie wise), I have been watching a lot of them. Over the last school year I tried to introduce my roomie to so many of the great old movies she'd missed out on all her life, this didn't really happen due to her desire to achieve good grades... at any rate, I saw more movies that I'd been wanting or needing to see, or ones that were on TCM (Turner Classic Movies, having cable can be nice).
I love movies of just about any time period but classic movies made back in the early days, I love so many of them, in many ways they don't make them like that any more.
I don't really know what I'm trying to say here, except that I love movies... it's interesting, I had a roomie who was into acting and film etc. and I noticed that if she watched a movie she might call it a success for one reason or another, but I came to realized that I didn't feel the same, that if I like a movie it tends to be for the whole of the movie: the story, the acting, the camera work etc. I do sometimes find a movie for one specific reason but maybe I'm more of a purist in my tastes... whatever that means.
Anyway I read something the other day talking about how in the old days a star used to be what sold a movie but now people are more interested in the genera; in thinking about it I suppose I fall in the latter category, I'd rather see somebody I never heard of in a really awesome movie than a star I love in a lame movie.
The movies I've watched this week are as follows:
The Bourn Identity: I love these movies, I love a spy type action thriller well done, and that serise is just that. I have the spy fascination but I've found that I now prefer to watch something that at least seems like a more realistic spy world, than the gadgeted, and farsical world of spies. This being said I also love Chuck, so it goes both ways I guess. Anyway, if you're into spy/ action coolness, I highly recomend Bourn, however I didn't love the books...and they have a way different plot.
Anything Goes: I got this musical because it has Donald O'Connor and I'm a fan, however it wasn't one of those amazing musicals I felt, just mediocer, but maybe if you really love Cole Porter you'd think better of it, who knows. Bing Crosby's also in it but I'm not a huge fan of his.
Mr. Deed's Goes to Town: I got this to see more of Frank Capra's movies. It wasn't bad but also not my favorite. I assume that Mr. Deed's with Adam Sandler took it's plot from this.
The Big Sleep: Bogie, Bocall, it was the first time I'd seen a movie with both of them. I liked it a lot. I have no idea where the title came from though.
The Bachelor and The Bobby Soxer: I love Carey Grant, however not a favorite, I probably won't watch it again.
The Nun's Story: I got this to see Audrey Hepburn and it was not what I was expecting. It was very interesting, I can't say how accurate because I've never been Catholic, I learned a lot, hopefully not things that aren't true. However even if I ever became Catholic, I never, ever want to be a nun.
That's all for now, if you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them.

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