So about a week or so ago, I watched the movie Lost Horizon and wrote about it here. The movie was based on a book and I quite liked the movie and so I got the book from the library and read it. Lost Horizion was by James Hilton and was apparently the first paperback book ever made. Lost Horizon is fairly similar in both book and movie form. I liked the book because there were more details available and I was able to understand things better, however in some things I liked the movie much better.
This book/movie have really been making me think a lot. In the book a group of people find themselves in Shangri-la the mythical paradise of Tibet. In Shangri-la there is peace and prosperity, long life and great culture to be had at the lamasery there. As I first watched and read I found myself in agreement with the main character who felt himself at home and never wanting to leave. It was boggeling to me that another one of the group would dislike the place and even go so far as to call it hellish. It made me wonder if such a thing could really be possible, that one could find such fault with a place that sounded so perfect to me.
One point in the plot that made me sad to see, was that the main character, after becoming very immersed in life at Shangri-la, is persuaded by one of his companions that the whole thing is madness, that he must be crazy and to leave the place. I wonder how many times people leave happiness or don't do something that makes them happy becase of what others may think or how it may look.
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