So, I haven't posted for a while. I did start a post the other day, but it perished at the hands of technical difficulties. Here goes nothing. Above you'll see the picture that was missing when I last posted, it was probably still on my camera.
I am now a college graduate, reviling in the fact that I do not have classes to attend or homework to do. It's been so nice and refreshing, if I want to do something I can do it, there's nothing stopping my but my own procrastination or laziness. I've been watching movies and reading books, actually reading books for pleasure and for my own edification. It's awesome! As many may be aware, reading for personal pleasure quite often falls by the way side when there's homework to be done.
Now though, the hard part is getting myself to put in the hard work on my art, finding a routine in these wide open days. It's harder to make myself adhere to a schedule when there are no places I have to be or time being taken out of my day, so I've had to make those chunks of time for myself. I have a contract with myself with art time, I'm making goals towards the rest of my time. I'm even getting to the bottom of all the stuff searching for a home since I moved.
Another hard part is not having a studio space to work in, where I can work on things and then let them sit undisturbed. It's not really all that bad, but I'd been hoping to start oil painting again and I've now realized that isn't really a good idea here.
I feel like I've just been complaining so let me say that while I enjoyed my time in Provo, I am so happy to be back home again. It's such a different feeling here and nice to be in a place that I know so well, where I really know my way around and where old friends are. So that's the rambling scoop. And I just added a picture which ended up at the top, if anybody knows how I can change that, please let me know.
To move pictures you just click on it and drag it.
Congrats on graduating and good luck with the painting.
oh, thanks
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