I took a Shakespeare class my sophomore year of college because I love Shakespeare, what was cool was that my teacher, Professor Shakespeare, is a descendant of the bard himself, I thought that was really cool. He had a very odd knack of being both painfully boring while very interesting at the same time, I'm not sure I've seen it done before or since. The man knew his stuff though and I really enjoyed the class. The pictures above are the text book from the class, the complete works and I kept the book after the class was over. Last night I was wanting to read but not sure what, and then I remembered the beast (said textbook). I started reading The Taming of the Shrew, I can't remember if I've read it before, but I've seen it and it's such an awesome play. I'd almost forgotten what a joy it is, or at least can be, to read Shakespeare. I might try to tackle reading his complete works...I wonder how long that will take...but I have already read a lot so maybe not so long.
More movies, like I said I have been seeing a lot of Carey Grant movies.
To Catch a Thief: I usually am a big fan of Hitchcock but this one wasn't my favorite. I think sometimes Hitchcock gets undermined by all the people who came after and have run with what he did so well. I remember watching Rear Window (which is the basis for Disturbia) after hearing all about it, but I remember being quite bored with it, part of that might have been from my watching it at home, in my basement with the lights on, however I think most of it is due to all the suspense movies I've seen since, all the people who were inspired by Hitchcock. Anyway, To Catch a Thief, you'd have to decide for yourself.
I Was A Male War Bride: I liked this one, a pretty good comedy and fairly witty in parts. One of the funniest things might have been seeing Carey Grant in drag, now some men can pull that off, but Carey Grant was not really one of those, just himself in a dress. I recommend it even if just for that.
That's all of the Carey Grant I've seen lately but there's probably more waiting for me at the library.
Sunset Boulevard: I think this is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time, very well crafted, a work of art. This movie is also very creepy, or maybe more along the lines of strange or unnerving. I watched the little thing on the DVD about the making of the movie and things got creepier, errie how close characters were cast in some cases. I liked it but I don't think I'll be watching it all the time, it's hauntingly close to some realities. I think everyone should see it once.
Roman Holiday: I have absolutely loved this movie from the very beginning, from the very first time I saw it. Roman Holiday was Audry Hepburn's first big movie roll, it launched her into Hollywood stardom. I loved it this time because I can now pick out snatches of what's being said in Italian, I hadn't watched it since taking Italian. Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn are both simply wonderful in this movie. It's rightfully a classic.
Emma: I haven't ever read the book, nor do I intend to, however I do love the movie. I love the costumes, and Gweneth Paltrow and Jeremy Northam. It is funny and sweet and right up there in the chick flick category.
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