Monday, December 14, 2009

A Confession

Star Wars. I'm a fan, that's not really the confession though. So I know quite a bit about Star Wars, I didn't like them when I was little because my little brothers liked Star Wars, so there fore how could it possibly be good? I've had to eat my words on more than one thing like that. I don't remember when I started to warm up to Star Wars, or when I first watched the movies, it probably wasn't until the first of the newer movies came out, I can't remember what it's called now save, Eppisode I, maybe the Phantom Menace? Anyway I got fairly knowledgeable about Star Wars before I ever watched a movie, one of my brothers had a "picture scrapbook" or something like that of the original trilogy and on Sunday's before or after church, to pass the time I would quite often read our comic books or flip through this book about the trilogy. Consequently I know a fair amount about Star Wars.
I have now seen all the Star Wars movies, excluding the cartoons and the Christmas Special. I didn't love the newer movie except for the light saber duals, because of the advances in technology since the original trilogy, the duals are way cooler. I prefer the original movies, I think I've only seen A New Hope once or twice, I find Luke Skywalker incredibly whiny and as A New Hope is primarily focused on him, I skip it. The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite Star Wars movie, witty lines, plenty of action, Yoda... A close second is The Return of the Jedi because there are ewoks in that movie and I don't see how you could not like ewoks.
I'm rambling and further exposing my Star Wars nerdiness. I baby-sat a little boy the other night who's obscessed with Star Wars and it was kind of funny and a little embaressing because I knew a lot more about Star Wars than him.
Getting to the point of this post, I realized as said little boy and I were watching Empire Strikes Back, that Star Wars has a lot of paralels both to liturature and to religion, Christianity specificly. Though Star Wars takes place in a setting that to many seems much cooler than our existance on earth, in essentials our own lives are like unto Star Wars; we all have gifts, we have chances to do good, we can be a jedi of sorts in our own lives. In our lives there's forces both for good and for evil, and like Luke or Anakin etc. we can choose the good or the evil. Yoda's words are very pognient and good advice.
I'm feeling a bit nerdy about my application of Star Wars to life, however I found something that made me feel somewhat better; while baby-sitting the other night I picked up a Star Wars book to read after the little boy went to bed, I figured it would just be a way to pass time Until his parents got home. When his parents got back I was on the last page of the sixth chapter and wanting to find out what happenes. I forgot the name of the book because I didn't really think I'd want to read the whole thing and so in trying to find out the book's title I found this page. I was bewildered at the list of choices but I did eventually find the right book.

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