Sunday, December 13, 2009

I read The Proclimation on the Family today for the lesson we will be having later today and I wanted to share it because I believe in what it says and fully believe that it is true and can really help families.
It's snowing outside and it's so beautiful, I absolutely love watching snow fall, it's such a beautiful sight, especially when there are big fat flakes descending or better still ones that look like small feathers. I am less thrilled to drive in said snow and to be cold, but I don't think I will ever stop loving snow. It is one of the most beautiful things in this world. It's so beautiful and exciting to wake up and see that snow has fallen over night and to see the glorious white beautiful blanketing on the ground. And now it's time for me to head off to church and I'm excited to go. I'm excited at the thought that the tree might be up when I get back and that tonight we will once again light the candles on the advent wreath and read another Christmas book together.
Have a lovely Sunday.

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