I think about beauty a lot, as an artist it's something that I'm working to create, but maybe you would ask why? Maybe beauty isn't something that matters much to you, or perhaps something that you've become embittered about, or none of the above. I think there is a real need for beauty in our world, and when I say beauty I'm not just referring to physical beauty, that's important but there's so much more. There are the fall colors, flowers in spring, the beauty of a snowfall, and on and on. Beauty is important, think of living in a colorless world, of a world that was bleak and gray, always the same. It sounds depressing right? My friend watched a movie where I think all beauty and creativity were stifled, emotions were regulated by drugs. Thinking of a world like that made me want to cry and wonder what the point of living would be. We need art and beauty, physically need, it has a huge effect on us and I think we quite often take it for granted. I've noticed the power in my own life. A while back I bought this book on Albrecht Durer and his work because I really love his work; I noticed after looking through the book many times, that when I was stressed out (which happened often in college) I felt more calm after looking through the book. This instance may not seem very significant to you but to me it really proves how powerful beauty and art are.

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