Sunday, October 4, 2009

General Conference Notes

Saturday Morning
five new temples
it's so important to get that temple work done
member missionaries
still praying for areas to be opened up to missionary work
depend upon the spirit to guide you
seek personal inspiration
we live far below our privileges
we need to learn and grow through faith
consistantly strive and it will grow easier
inspiration and power
to go and to do the things wish the lord has commanded
the spirit will bring impressions
what you need to hear
remember to have focus on principles, not how knowledgeable you are
study and pray
confirm your impressions with the Lord
is there more I should know?
respond and... to first impressions
the Lord will not force you to learn
control strong emotions
Satan wants to block spiritual communication
beware being lead carefully down to hell
keep yourself worthy to receive promptings and inspiration by the spirit
let virtue garnish your thoughts
in your heart and in your mind
pure intelligence
still and quite
come cast your burdens on the Lord
for my yoke is easy and my burden is light
burdens can also be blessings by humbling us etc.
even as I am, so ye should be
delivered in stages
"when we receive the truth, we will be saved by it..." Joseph F. Smith
teach to inspire
aim high
through the Lord all things are possible
express love and show it
do more of what we know is right and become better
if ye love me keep my commandments
live your testimony
be consistent
beware hypocrisy
how do we become true disciples
don't enforce your own agenda on things
don't get bogged down by little things and forget the more important matters
love is the great commandment
love is the answer and you know that for sure
do we truly understand?
why should we love God? What we love determines what and what we think and do
love defines us
God's love for us is infainant with no strings attached
there is always hope
through the atonement we can be forgiven, repent and come back
search for me with all your heart
demonstrate our love by aligning our lives with him
don't get discouraged
have hope
we can always start afresh
listen for his voice
draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you
love changes everything

PS I just saw Elder Cook in passing, how cool is that?

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