Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday Afternoon Session

love doesn't override commandments
for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son
God's laws are invariable
laws are to help us to advance and become perfect
blessings by obedience to the law
agency means that bad things happen to good people
talk is cheap, we need to back it up with actions
whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth
we need to be united
God loves
God and Jesus are one (just to clarify this doesn't mean that they are one being)
we are created in God's image
if any of you lack wisdom let them ask of God
the way to know of the truth of God is through the Holy Ghost
all things denote there is a God
your testimony will bless you and those around you
seek Heavenly Father
we are not alone
Heavenly Father wants to help us to return back to him
eternal life is to live with our Father and our families ever more
serve God with all your heart, might, mind and strength
the Lord does not expect us to do the impossible
it is not requisite that a man run faster than he has strength
we need to be the best we can be
by grace we are saved after all we can do
I have fought a good fight... I have kept the faith
it's possible to achieve the impossible
once resurrected the body and spirit cannot be parted
if there were angles in the past then why shouldn't there still be angels?
To whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life
salvation is not available on every street corner
we need to be humble and full of love
what is temperance?
why should we be temperate?
moderation, self control, humble, submissive, gentle...
beware pride
be diligent
tempered glass made not to break into sharp, jagged pieces
staying out of debt
preparedness= temperance
temperate in all things
my kindness shall not depart from thee
come unto him
open arms
mercy, safety, love, etc.
an invitation to repent
a loving appeal
mercy and love for the repentant
will ye not now return unto me and repent of your sins?...
take up his cross and follow me
what wouldst thou have me do
do not endeavor to excuse yourself in the least part
Jesus knows how we feel
don't be discouraged
the Lord will forget even if we don't, sometimes we remember as a reminder not to repeat an offense
remember that the Lord has a different time table
repentance changes us and blesses the lives of our families
we can communicate always with Heavenly Father through prayer
we are the children of God
know ye not that ye are the temple of God...
through the atonement we can be washed clean
all good things come from God
pure intelligence can be spoken into the mind
listen to promptings of the spirit
heed them
the Lord has many ways to enlighten us
don't cut yourself off from communication with the Lord
you can always pray
all beings who have bodies have power over those who do not
you must study it out and ask if it be right...
prayer is your personal key to heaven
they will be done
remember that the Lord has a plan
draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you
the Prophet needs our prayers

As my typos have been becoming more frequent I think I'll post today's notes tomorrow.

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