Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Snow and cathing up on international cinema

First off: it snowed today!!! And while you may rant and rave and holler, I was excited. I love watching snow fall, I love waking up to snow, I love snowy nights and the way the clouds seem lit up. I love snow. I'm not ready for the full impact of winter yet but I'm enjoying the snow while it's here. Soon enough it will melt and we'll go back to fall for another month or so. It will be alright you snow haters, it's not winter yet.
So I've talked about international cinema before and I bring it up again because I just watched a movie that they played that I didn't see then. Now that I'm back with a wonderful library system (not to down play the Harold B. Lee Library, but movie wise, this one's way better), I'm catching up on movies that I haven't been able to get my hands on before now. I'm watching movies that friends have recommended and movies that I missed when they were playing at International Cinema ( that happened pretty frequently, you needed pretty strong motivation to leave a warm apartment on a dark and chilly winter night to walk to campus to see a movie quite often by yourself). Anyway one semester they did something which I thought was really cool, they showed American movies that had been based off of foreign films and the films that they'd been based off. One week they showed Shall We Dance? and Shall We Dansu?, The Magnificent Seven and The Seven Samurai and possibly something else. I ended up seeing Shall We Dansu? and loving it so much that I walked out on Shall We Dance? Tonight I watched The Magnificent Seven and it was awesome! I just put the Seven Samurai on hold and I hope I can watch that soon.
I've been able to watch movies I missed or that I just wanted to see again. I really like it. It's exciting to go beyond the everyday American movies and to see other movies done another way.
In watching these movies I've noticed that Miramax seems to be connected with a lot of foreign films being made availible over here. I'm sure there are others that do it too but I thought that was interesting. Anyway, I guess I'll let you know as I find foreign films that I love.

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