Thursday, October 1, 2009

catch up

Life is pretty busy lately, there's a lot going on. I'm excited for General Conference this weekend, the Relief Society meeting last week was really good too. I'm also excited because in about two weeks two of my cousins are getting married to the wonderful people they're engaged too. I've got a couple bookbinding projects that I'm working on and I'm excited about those, I haven't made any books for a while and these books are going to be really cool. I'm still working on my art and I'm applying to have another show. I'm taking another stab at working my way through the completle works of Shakespeare. I'm really excited for fall, there's something that can be really wonderful about cooler weather, it's no longer unbearable to think of turning on the oven just to bake something, so now maybe I can start baking things that I've wanted to make for a pot pie....mmmm. Also due to the cold weather yesterday I decided we needed something warm to eat like soup, so I made some taco soup which turned out quite good. I've got another sewing project that's just waiting to be started. Life holds lot of adventures and each day is a new chance to do something awesome.


Melanie and Jake said...

I wish I could go to the weddings- it would cost a little too much and the thought is traveling with 2 little girls by myself is not a very happy one.

jm said...

yeah, we'll miss you but I'm sure somehow we can get pictures up so you can see the goings on.